Harrison Brewer
Harrison Brewer
Hello, I am very grateful to play for this great company. I promise to work hard everyday and make sure I can help to influence the team in great ways. It is a goal that we can get promoted this season to division 2. I look forward to seeing you all at the games.
Date of birth生年月日1995/03/22
Height/Weight身長/体重194 cm/115kg
Place of birth出身地Christchurch, New Zealand
Highschool出身高校Terenure College
Personal Life Q&A
Hobbies/Skills趣味/特技Soccer and cooking
How do you spend your holidays?休日の過ごし方は?In the sun with friends
What music do you like?好きな音楽は?House and RnB
What is your favorite place in Akishima City?昭島市のおススメスポットは?Movix- Cinema
When did you start playing rugby?ラグビーをはじめた年齢は?4years old
Why did you start playing rugby?ラグビーを始めたきっかけは?Father played for the All Blacks
Someone you admire? (Player, coach, etc. )憧れの人は?(選手や恩師などラグビー関係)Kieran Read as a player
What is your strength?得意なプレーは?Offload, Jackle, link player
What is your routine before game?試合前のルーティンRelax and watch some tv